

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Internet Hostility- Coming to a site near yours

Let's see in my daily wanderings I found out that there is a small feud over at Pretty* In the City. Here is a small excerpt from Karyn describing her response to some "Hate Mail"

UPDATE: Even though I said I wasn't going to waste my time replying to his
email, I did waste my time Googling him.The "sae" in his email made me think he
was a Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity guy, so I Googled his name and sae together
and found out that he was one at Rochester Institute of
.His full name is Christopher Martin Jacques and he lives in West
Henrietta, New York. My sole purpose in posting this is to let any potential
employers (who may Google him) know what a nice person he is, you know, seeing
as though he wants my face to burn off and all.

That amused me for a good 20 mins.

I jumped on over to a news site that reports the quirks and found this:

After John Anderson called him a nerd, Russell Navares took a leave of absence from the Navy, drove from Virginia to Waco and then set fire to Anderson's trailer home. That showed him!

Man burns house over Chat Room Insult

I'll leave all this goodness for you all to digest, and it should take your minds off of Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton , Nicole Ritchie and Britney Spears for awhile.


kim said...

geeeez folks, settle down.

xxxx said...

That story is FREAKING INSANE!

OK, I totally want to go check out that feud!