

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The important things in Life are free

You can't buy happiness
You can't buy good health
You can't buy love
You can't buy experience
You can't buy strength
You can't buy hope
You can't buy a sense of humor
You can't buy all the silly days in your life

Do I still want to win the lottery? I don't think so, do I want the money? Oh hell yeah. But you gotta play to win and I'm just not a gambler these days or even before. I'd rather have that Starbucks trip rather than 5 lottery tickets.

I'm happy
I'm content
I'm in love with my husband
I have great Dr's that keep me alive.
I have my pets
I have a house actually, it's a HOME.
I have my family though most are far away.

Peace out! Be good to yourself.


xxxx said...

Lots to be thankful for!

jagular said...

You sure can buy groceries though. I'd like to win it. Just once.

You be good to yourself, too.