

Monday, March 12, 2007

Where the hell am I?

Maybe you've noticed that the past few posts have been well, not about me, basically I've been aimlessly bumbling around the web. And for some odd reason, I've decided to blog about what I found. I think my brain went on vacation without telling me. I'm in good spirits, albeit a bit tired today, I hate the time change. I have no idea why I don't have a single amusing, witty or intellectual thought in my head. I just don't, and here's the part I worry about maybe I'll NEVER have a another original thought in my head. Maybe all this working out has made me a zombie. While I'm exercising I get in this zone and just keep going. Then I come home and do all the crap around the house that needs to be done. Pretty boring huh? I did start two Easter Baskets for our little friends, so that is kinda fun. I wonder how pissed their mom and dad would be if I got them a bunny or some baby ducks, they like u,s have a canal behind the house. Okay so it's really me that wants these little creatures. the cat pretty much holds her own with our Doberman (actually she beats the crap out of him a lot), but a bunny? I don't think it can fight back against any of our crew. Which leaves us with ducks, as far as I know there aren't any gators in our canal... and how cute would it be to have a bunch of downy chicks running around?


Anonymous said...

We had a bunny who beat the shit out of our dog... So a bunny may be possible ...

As for ducks, yea cute at first then grow into shitting dirty things.... they shit on everything....

I'd stick with the bunny

Kari Lee Townsend said...

I had a bunny once. A dog once too, but my family is allergic, so no pets for me. I have all I can handle with my kids, to be honest;)

xxxx said...

It takes me forever to feel normal after the time change! I hate it!

Cyndy said...

So you are taking a mental vacation. That's fine, you deserve it.

cubmommy said...

We had a pet bunny when I was younger. My sister let it run all over the house. All it did was crap every where. Bunny not a good call.

meno said...

I housesat for these people with a bunny once. It was litter box trained. There did have to be a box on each floor of the house as bunnies aren't too bright. The bunny would come and snuggle with me while i was reading on the couch. How cute is that?

KIM :-) said...

I'd kick your a** if you bought my kids a bunny or some ducks! HAHAHA Unless you were going to come and take care of them every day and they could live at your house! :-) HAHAHAHA

JR's Thumbprints said...

Getting into that exercise zone tends to keep the body in shape, but using a treadmill or elliptical will cause you to take off the thinking cap.

Frannie Farmer said...

The bunnies and duck, like children grow up .. and trust me, they aren't nearly as cute when you catch them tryin' siphon your vodka bottle.

Frannie Farmer said...

PS - I have felt the same way mentally .. just can't come up with anything of worth!

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Time changes sucks. My kids still aren't on schedule. I hate that.