

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Waiting Game

The Surgeon called at about 8:45, he's ready to start Fletch's surgery. He feels good about it. So I don't have to drive down to Melbourne to meet with him, I'm waiting on the nurse to call me back with the new estimate..I wish we had pet insurance, but we don't and Fletch has many years left in him even though he's an "older" dog. So..we have no option but to scrape the money together. I keep a seperate savings and checking for big ticket life events, like property taxes, emergency's and what not, the bad news..after Christmas it's not very much and my personal savings for whatever I want is also at the lower end. So actual quick access cash is limited, we will have until the middle of Feb. to get it sorted out. Very scary, but it did prompt us to apply for a home equity loan, an idea we had been tossing about for awhile ( My car would be officially retired and our house would get painted among other things). Today is a holiday so we can't get any quick answers.
I'm trying to hang in there, but I really feel like I'm about to pass out from fear/anxiety.Anxiety attacks suck, but this might be worse.
Okay the vet's office just called we are up to $3467.00 which thank god, is not higher than the high end of the first estimate which was $4,755.00. She said if he comes home tomorrow we would even get a credit possibly..but either case $3467.00 is a bit easier to swallow. Okay I have to go to Orlando and get my barium for Wednesdays test. And hopefully Fletch comes home tomorrow so I can go get him and hang out with him all day, Zeus is going to have to be restrained from jumping all over him.

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