

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sunday, Sunday

My husband is a junk food pusher! He's on the dark side, eating nitrates, (salami,hotdogs, deli ham) fried chicken, american cheese,potato salad, just to name a few. He tried tempt me on my birthday, (In fact I even told my mom no when she offered to take me out the day before my Birthday). So yeah, I turned down eating two fattening meals out. I think my Doctor really did plan this appt to be right after the holidays knowing full well that I would stick to my diet, because my blood work and my weight would be the tell-tale indicators if I didn't. I would think he is pure evil if he didn't care so much, I see him about every other month and have been doing that and sometimes more for 2 and half years) . So yeah the 5 lbs I was complaining I gained from Thanksgiving to Christmas are gone. I've been very very good (sigh). However I have gotten over all my cravings that were sparked by rich roods over the Holidays. I read somewhere that as long as you still have crappy food in your digestive track, blood and intestines you will still crave them. Once you detox your body with veggies, fruits, and lots of fresh ginger and garlic and the last traces are gone you will feel alot better. I know I'm detoxed now and it feels good . I've had two doughnuts sitting in front of me literally all day, why? Because Honey brought them to me with my Sunday coffee. Traitor. He's trying to swart my plan of being uber healthy. Actually, I think he's afraid that if turn into a hardcore fulltime vegetarian, I will suddenly sprout birkenstocks, and grow my hair on my legs and underarms (not that there is anything wrong with that (*wink* to you know who you are, ahem)). He associates that type of style (an oxymoron, don't ya think?) with die hard liberals. Honey is a proud Republican, me? I'm non party affiliated.
So anyway back to the detox diet, it's a good thing once you get the hang of it and ride out the first two weeks or so. He thinks I'm doing it mainly for weight reasons, I'm doing it per Doctors orders, so Tuesday will be my first report since before the Holidays. Mom said I could lose a another 5 lbs or so, Honey thinks I'm getting too skinny. My friend LaLa who is a skinny as a rail (think Lindsay L, The Olson Twins and Nicole Ritchie), thinks I look great, sexy and curvy. Yep, my badunkadunk butt and thighs are really sexy like a big bowl of jelly. Yah alot of help they are, they all manage to conflict. My own self perception is not to be trusted, I'll alway find something to complain about from a zit, a bad hairday and my god these jeans totally give me a muffin top. Muffin tops with a shirt that is slightly too short, that's hot, love handles just hanging out waiting on the world to glom onto them and go wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
Why is so easy to be supercritical of yourself and so accepting of others? Oh right, I'm the one who has issues. I'd be the perfect candidate for throwing salt on MY own wounds, that is if I were allowed to eat salt.


xxxx said...

Oh, you are better than I am! I am sucking down a chocolate shake before I start my big eat-healthy plan tomorrow. I'm sure you look fantastic!

Anonymous said...

the first line of this post reminded me of Mean Girls when the teach says to Cady 'I'm a pusher!!'
lol Hope your chrissy & new year was great.