

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Too Tired to Think...But I'm blogging anyways.

My mom went with me to my Dr's appt in Orlando today, she hadn't been to this Dr with me before, so I forget that, and she misses our exit. We manage to get there 5 mins late, after I sign in, I realize that when I switched purses (one of my Dooney's to my Via Spiga) I didn't bring a check book. I had no cash, as is typical, just my debit card and a bunch of Giftcards from the wedding. Mom has no cash (as per usual with her too), or a checkbook. She looks at me and says what kind of place doesn't take debit or credit cards? I said this place. Luckily, since I'm a monthly guest in their office they said I could mail them my co-pay. Mom then decides it smells funny in there, which I have to admit it does, I sniff, feet, chinese food and antiseptic. Nice really nice. Though I did notice that the receptionist was eating lunch at her desk and the smell could have been her homemade Indian Food. But even Indian restaurants smell better than that.

So I leave there prescriptions in hand, and I offered to take my mom for lunch, since she usually pays for lunch, tolls and gas when she goes with me. So we head off with her at the helm of her car and again I forget she is not familiar with this neighborhood which is very pretty and has some great shopping we haven't done in quite a few years. Unfortunately, it is rainy, I mean monsoon type rain. So we can't take advantage of the shopping..

I'm too lazy to write my own review of Winter Park so I stole one from the Sun-Sentinel based in Ft. Lauderdale, which was my stomping grounds until two years ago..Oh if those walls could talk (cause I don't remember much of the martini filled last decade)

Winter Park

So we do some half assed shopping, I got a couch for my BabyFred (the cat). IT WAS ON SALE! I'm not a crazy cat lady, I swear, I'm married, I have a husband, two dogs and a cat. I do lunch. People call me! I don't wear my pj's all day! We go for dinner with other people, the neighbors say hi! See, I'm not a crazy cat lady.

The way I look at it, I have to go back to Orlando again tomorrow, so I can shop then if I feel better. Hubby wants me take mom with me again to the Dr, but it may be easier on my own. Mom is gung ho on planning a shopping trip to Paris this Novemeber.... She's already like mentally packing her suitcases. So now I have to convince hubby to take the plunge and jump the puddle with me (I've been to Europe and other places many times, he has not gone outside of USA and Canada). Wish me luck, I'm going to whisper... Paris you want to go to Paris with your wife, you really want to see the Eifel Tower, The Louvre, and Versaillies.

My luck he'll dream about Paris Hilton all night and he'll wake up and want me to dye my hair blonde and stop eating.

1 comment:

Mummerina said...

how cute is cat lounge... I didnt even know they existed!!