

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I was reading a new blog last night in which the author described her obsession with cataloging data. From lists of her YA books as a child, to sirens she heard while in her dorm room for one whole semester, and to this day it has grown into a profession (not the siren logging). I wonder if it's a way to make sense of seemingly random iformation.. To see if there is a pattern. Like instead of being scared when you hear a siren, if you focus on what time a day, what type of siren etc. You lose fact of the siren going to help somebody in need. That it is essentially a distress call. Some people don't give a second thought to a siren,as if it is an everyday noise like the ticking of a clock, they don't worry about where it's going or why it's going. Some people might say there are alot of sirens on the street and shrug. Other people don't even notice a siren went by at all.

I don't know why I keep thinking about this, maybe since I know the person, why didn't I know this about them? How much more do I not know? Do I need to know? Do I want to know? Then I wonder how much of me is still a secret or even just unknown. I could blog everyday for a year, but you would only know know what I choose to tell you. I can slant it, I can embellish, I can downright lie. You wouldn't know. Or would you?


Anonymous said...

That is why my blog is all about honesty. I blog as if no one is reading it.

But you need to blog how you want to. If you don't want us to know the real you, that is your choice.

We will still love you!

TTQ said...

You'll have to wait for the book, oh wait that might be fiction too!