

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I have a black eye. Really, I have a black eye. I am going to have a black eye on my wedding day. Injuries related to my wedding now total 3.
1) The lamp breaking on my forehead
2) The bikini waxing incident
3) A black eye with a red mark in the corner of the white part of my eye.
I suspect that the false lashes that were applied with glue are the culprit. I had a full make-up and hair trial run a few days ago. I took off all my makeup and I knew I had something in my eye.I tried to flush it out, then I went to bed. It felt better in the morning. I even wore make-up yesterday (I think) but I didn't see it then, today I was wondering why it still looked like I have mascara and eyeliner on, closer inspection revealed a black eye.
Why didn't I see it before? Because somebody else has been working on me rather than , waxing, make-up the works. I have been avoiding the mirror so I don't get an urge to pop a zit or two if I think I see something. I want clear skin for my wedding. I've even been cleansing and toning at my desk instead of the mirror.
Did I mention I have a fucking black eye?

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