

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Theme Appears To Be Art

Factory Girl finally came from Netflix after waiting a long time for it to be released, I watched this weekend. It's a film about Edie Sedgwick and her relationship with Andy Warhol.
The clip isn't from the film but gives a brief look into her life

The book I read on the cruise was about art too. Lulu meets God and Doubts Him

From Publishers Weekly

In this enjoyably tart art world sendup, winsome, aperçu-spouting Mia McMurray (think Party Girl–era Parker Posey) is a gallerista—one of the invariably decorative young women who act as a gallery's de facto concierge, and "who is always, always watching," as Mia herself puts it. A mysterious portrait by the recently late Jeffrey Finelli (killed by an errant cab in front of Mia's Simon Pryce gallery) gives the novel its winningly clumsy title and sets up its main conflict, between grasping art collectors and representatives of Finelli's estate. Former Mademoiselle and Woman's Day editor Ganek, herself a significant art collector, offers sharply drawn characters and convincingly savvy details. That the book's most important female collector is presented as a loudmouthed and overdressed refugee from Absolutely Fabulous gives a sense of its waspish humor. But Ganek stops short of crude caricature, and Ganek's portraits of the variously sneaky, ridiculous and pretentious art world denizens are tinged with affection and depth. The tone is sophisticated chick lit, and there's a sweet love story threaded in, but what most clearly animates this debut, and sets it apart, is a real sense that art matters. (June)

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

Man....YouTube is down so I can't watch it right now!

How did you like the book? I wish I had more time to read...but I don't even have time to work on my blog and watch T.V. so I am doing it at the same time and it really takes away from reading your blog.

I wish I had more time, you are one of my favorites!

I hope all is well and sorry I have been away.

I didn't know you are a stay at home wife? I want to do that too!

meno said...

What has happened to your blog? there are links appearing all over your text that lead to advertising. Is this intentional?

Just curious.

TTQ said...

Do you still get hijacked to another page? I'm still playing with the adverts.. I've never used them before.

TTQ said...

Leigh Ann, I've been a stay at home wife for awhile now, even before we got married. I loved the book, it was kinda an art world "Devil wears Prada". Light, amusing and a quick read.

meno said...

i do not get hijacked, but sometimes the links are in your text, and sometimes they are not. When they are, they appear in dark green and make it hard to read.