

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Uh oh! What have I done?

Today I asked honey to share his Lowe's gift cards. We got a bunch from our wedding and I had yet to lay claim to any of them. So I decided it was time. Time to re-wallpaper the bathroom and kitchen walls. I've spent hours perusing wallpaper books, today I was going to make the committement. My mother is a wallpapering goddess, so I enlisted her help, and she in turn added a friends who knows everything about painting. So now I have in my possession a gallon of wallpaper primer to paint over the foil accented wallpaper in the bathroom that cannot be removed. I have two roller trays and a gallon of custom tinted paint for trim work and doors. I'm very apprehensive about this whole thing, what if it goes horribly wrong? I have my instructions for preping, and I think I will start Monday, though the wallpaper is special order so we don't have it yet. Can I actually pull this off? I've stripped wallpaper before, it's not fun. This is a bit different as the wallpaper is the original from when our subdivision was built. The bathroom isn't bad, mom kinda likes it, Cyd made fun of it from pictures and I've grown use to it. The kitchen is well lets just say very retro and not in a good way. The appliances luckily are not avocado green or burnt toast brown, but mostly stainless. The counters are butcher block, the cabinets are plain as well.
Why am I so scared to do this on my own,? I want my mommy here to hold my hand, to make sure I am doing it right, I don't want to make matters worse. This little project isn't cheap and I've wanted to do it for a long time, so what's the big deal? I can handle it right? I'm fairly bright, creative, even went to school for architecture and interior design. I guesss you could say I'm just not a hands on kinda girl. Sure we could hire someone but why do that when you can do it your self? I've seen my mom redo bathrooms in one weekend, some even involved minor tile work.
I know I will love it when it is done..It's from a book called Beachy Keen,it's very bright, cheerful, and a bit preppy. The top swatch at the left will be the bathroom walls, the border doesn't seem to want to post. The walls in the kitchen will be apinted yellow to match the yellow in the border. The tiles in the bathroom are buttercup yellow too.


Frannie Farmer said...

Oh, you are a much braver soul than I! Much!

Andie said...

wallpaper is the devil.

TTQ said...

You guys are scaring me!