

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hell On Wheels

Hell on Wheelchairs I mean. This is so not what I wanted for our annual cruise. What part of Resort Wear fit it. Still Thinking? Yeah me too, so I didn't bring the wheelchair shopping. So vain and so unhappy, despite the 10 lbs I dropped in two weeks. Not good. I suggested the wheelchair (yes, we own one) for Mom. She suggested it for me. Honey is soooo need of a vacation, and it being hurricane season, he's suggest Mom and I go alone. Two suites. Two people. He's worried about our house and our animals.Hence we may be a party for two, not three, *so sad*

As for my lack of blogging, I was in the hospital again 8 LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG days my gyno confirmed the hospital does have wi-fi! He's about two years older than me is totally about being connected. I had made it a mission to ask every doc,nurse, supervisor etc hence the gyno.


xxxx said...

I am glad you're back!! How are you? When is the cruise?

soapy t said...

i hope all is well. i kinda want a wheelchair, but not b/c i need one, but b/c i want to sit down a lot.