

Friday, October 13, 2006

I see you kitty kitty...
So, I'll slap the s#@! outta you Mister.

Remember when I asked the question:
"Do you leave the bathroom door open or shut while in it?"
Well, I HAVE to. Otherwise there is scratching and whining..
Don't worry, I'm not actually peeing,
I have my shorts on and am sitting on the lid. Just thought that would make
you feel better to know that.

I'm comin' in, I feel all by myself out here.


jagular said...

Do you go outside with them when they go to do their business? Maybe if you do it's only fair if they come in when you do yours. :P

TTQ said...

No, I don't go out with them. They are indoor animals with a fenced in yard. I open a back door and they go out, they come back and knock, I let them in...
honey has the poop duy. he shovels it into the canal in the back of our house.

cubmommy said...

I know about having an audience when in the bathroom. I don't remember a time when I have been by myself in there.

TTQ said...

DUH- about the wallpaper..go to Flickr I added notes and bad jokes. Mom is ready to hang all new paper for me, I have it picked out..BUT I have to get the old stuff off first. She ALWAYS makes me do the stripping (hehehe). I have to strip in the kitchen,the bathroom and the bedroom. Oh wait that's for honey.