

Monday, August 14, 2006

I've been found out.
I got my first disapproving look from my dear husband. Caught with my hand in the cookie jar. Me, the more "responsible" one of us. The charge? Late library books. I got a late notice, that usually doesn't happen, usually the are just a few days late and I pay my pittance. So I "support" the library, you know what I mean? This time they were a over a month late, I checked them out before the wedding, read two of them during the honeymoon, and was working on a third. So when I got the notice, I hated to part with them, yet was too busy to try to rush through them in a couple of days. So what do I do? I drop them in the box and run (actually speed off). Add this to the Netflix movies that I have had since before the wedding and a pattern starts to emerge...
So one afternoon this week, I was telling my husband about my day and mention I dropped off my library books, but didn't go into to pay the fine. You would think I burned a book by his reaction! I just looked at him and said What? What's the problem? I'll pay it when I go and have more time to actually check books out! At least I GO to the library! He's been reading the same books since I met him! Granted they are good books with educational information and not fluffy chick lit, but still... he just shook his head..
I get a small kick out of this for some odd reason...


Crazy Dan said...

I think it has something to do with just getting married. I just recently got married too and I have never been late on a bill all of sudden I was late once and I am having a chuz of a time remembering about them. I think its because I just want my wife to do it instead but I am not sure.

Anonymous said...

This used to happen to me, so much so that my fines became too much!! LOL!!

It's called marriage brain, the man takes 1/4 of your brain when you get married,add kids and you loose another 1/4...

Love your blog!!


TTQ said...

Uh oh. If marriage causes it, then I'm done for. I didn't have much to start with, everything I do is on my calendar, though lately I've been forgetting to put it on there too! I just love showing up to appointments a day early, or a week early...