

Monday, July 17, 2006

The shuttle is home yay!

I forgot it was coming back this morning, so here I am sitting at my computer, looking at a note from my husband and about to let the dogs out and BA BOOM! The shuttle re-entered the atmosphere safely. So I call honey and told him that a tree just fell on the house. He says slowly. "Honey, that's the Shuttle". "Are you sure?" I say?."Yes", he says. Then I say "I knew that, I was just being silly"

I really did know that, I heard him talking to a few people yesterday and of course the topic is the shuttle, much like other people talk about the weather. I was in the mall when the shuttle left, and here at my computer when it came back. See I do pay attention to this stuff.


Anonymous said...

I love all your blogs. The shoe one is out of this world. I will come back often to drool at shoes and other beautiful objects.

Mummerina said...

omg did you live that close to where the shuttle lands and takes off?? that would be awesome.

TTQ said...

Yep, I live on the Space Coast, You get kind of jaded after awhile, but I still go outside when one takes off. You can hear more than you can see because it goes up so quickly.